CEOs Get Burnout Too

October 17, 2018
min read
Table of Contents

Small and mid-sized business owners work hard and they're passionate about their work. The will to succeed is vital in running a business, but is that enough for a person to be successful? Typically, it is not. How do you stay successful and driven?

Willpower alone won’t lead you to success.

Take your passion and willpower and then add in equal parts hard work. Be consistent over time. It's the positive actions, such as regularly updating tasks and project and putting in the hours to work with your clients and team that show results. Willpower can be temporary and it waxes and wanes. Create workflows and long-term project plans; map out where you'd like to be in 3 months, 5 months, 1 year. When you're burnt out and not motivated to put in the time, take a break and use time tracking. Ask yourself: can I work on this task that for 25-minutes? 

When putting in the hours at your business or working on a specific project, ask yourself if you're in it for the long game and check in on your long-term goals. Every so often you can take a personal inventory of how you're feeling about work. What is working and what isn't working? Don't waste your time on actions that aren't working. Instead, find solutions and hit the ground running. If you're looking for a project management or time tracking platform, sign up for a free trial here


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