How Cloud-Based Productivity Suites Work For You

March 31, 2020
min read
Table of Contents

What is a Cloud-Based Productivity Suite?

Cloud-based software allows users to stay in sync at all times and from anywhere. Word processing and accounting applications are frequently included in office productivity suites that can be accessed via a web browser.

Get More Done in Less Time

Seems impossible, right? That’s because so many of us are used to working overtime. Come Friday, all we see is a weekend of bringing our work home with us. Sound familiar? If you work at an agency then I know that you know what I'm talking about. Agencies work hard and they can be fast-paced and cutthroat. Every bit of support helps. Especially support that works hard for you in the background, such as Accelo. You don't want another employee to train or workflow to adapt. With cloud-based support, there’s no break in your workflow or new people to train.

Collaborate With Ease

Access all of the information you need. Anytime. Anywhere. This doesn’t stop at your individual workload. For agencies, you're working with clients and it’s common that more than one Account Manager is on a project. Every time you connected to the cloud you're able to access the entire communication history to-and-from your client. That's right-- with all staff members. Project collaboration has never been easier.

Access Your Information From Anywhere

Running from meeting to meeting? Working remotely or traveling for a conference? It doesn’t matter where you're located; with a robust cloud-based platform you will always be able to connect to your staff and your clients. Having all of the work you need in one place, that’s easily and readily accessible remotely, greatly improves efficiency, and increases client satisfaction and retention.

Know Everything

Gone are the days where you aren't sure where a project stands. No more guesswork or lapses in communication with collaborators. With the Project feature, which includes Gantt charts and task timelines, you will literally see what stage a project is on in real-time. You will know ahead of time if you're on track to meet deadlines, who is working on what, and if any staff members are over or underutilized. 

This is valuable information; it can be the difference between client retention or turnover. Bypassing deadlines isn’t a good look, and if you have an Account Manager or AE working with multiple high priority clients then they might be fighting to stay above water. It’s likely that there is another employee who can jump in, quickly get up-to-date (thanks to the ability to see all client communication and work), and take over or collaborate with the original point-person.


Cloud-based productivity suites make accessing information easy, so you can stop playing detective and get back to actually managing your team. With Accelo, you will no longer track down work, question where a project stands, or worry about not having the information you need. Sign up for a free trial today!

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