The Gap Between ROI & Sales

August 5, 2015
min read
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As you know, ROI is the value of the sale divided by the cost of acquisition (or the time you invested in closing a sale). But so many organizations do not have the right sales or the tools needed to really track the costs of closing sales. This giant gap that exists between the tools organizations use and their limited ability to track sales ROI is limiting their growth. Understanding sales ROI empowers your team by giving them the overview they need and the control they want to improve the effectiveness and velocity of sales. If your sales team is able to improve the rate at which sales are closed, it leads to increased company-wide revenue, which ultimately impacts everyone.

You’re Closer to Tracking Sales ROI than you think

  • Are you manually putting together quotes and figuring out a value?
  • Are you determining sales status with your team by discussing meetings and conversations you’re having with customers?

Automate both of those tasks with quote creation and effort tracking:

  • Quotes: By having the ability to create project plans, estimated decisions and estimated billable value, you can start understanding the true value of your sales. This will also give you the ability to forecast revenue and resource utilization and visualize capacity constraints, quickly and easily.
  • Effort: With real-time time-capture functionality, you can automatically capture all sales-related emails and documents against opportunities in a central, searchable system. You can track all internal collaboration notes, emails, meetings and calls against a specific sale.

Real-Time Reporting: Nothing Can Be Simpler

Another feature that comes with a sales that tracks your sales ROI is the access to activity reporting, timesheet reporting, and real-time insight into the status of a sale. Having this feature gives your team instant insight into key elements of their sales pipeline, making it easy for your team to know where a sale is in the process, and provides actionable insights to expedite the closing. In addition, the access to immediate forecast reports and status updates gives your team instant visibility into their sales ROI.

Ultimately, to get the most ROI out of your sales team, start with the right sales.  Acquire an interactive tool that tracks the time spent on all active opportunities in your sales pipeline (neatly arranged according to where it is in the sales process) and provides real-time, actionable insights into your sales pipeline, while delivering the sales ROI you’ve been waiting for.

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