Staff Leave In Your Schedule Dashboard

Hugh Cowling
Senior Product Manager
August 16, 2018
min read
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Managing your team's availability and workload across your business just got a little extra clarity now that vacation and leave days are highlighted in the Scheduling Dashboard. With the visual distinction on leave days (and weeks) you can more confidently plan and schedule your projects and tasks.

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For cases where there's leave/holidays�and�other time - such as logged work or committed time - the leave icon won't show, but the cell will be outlined with the same leave color so it's apparent that there's some amount of leave occurring in that day or week which will impact on the work that has also been allocated. If you notice a blank cell with just the leave outline color, this means there's partial leave for that period (it doesn't cover all of their work day/week, so there's still capacity for that user to have work scheduled).

Simply mouse-over the cell to get an indication of how much leave has been booked, or click-thru to open the right-hand panel for even more detail on the work and leave for that period.


As you'd expect, since you're already able to customize the color palette for standard cells and over-utilized cells, you can also set the color applied to leave/holidays. Plus, for a little bit of fun we've even provided a set of icons so you can choose one that suits you best! Just click on the cog icon to the right of the screen to access the settings:

cog settings

Besides leave days booked for individual staff, you'll also find that company-wide holidays, such as New Year's Day and Labor Day, will also be highlighted within the Schedule Dashboard - provided you have those holidays enabled in your settings:

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In this release, the leave/holidays indicator will only appear when using the�Team�view mode, but we're working towards having this also apply in the�Work�view in the near future. Note that a�Premium�subscription to Accelo is necessary to access the Scheduling Dashboard feature.

We'd love to hear you thoughts on this improvement too - please reach out to with any feedback or questions.

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Hugh Cowling
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