Scheduling, Utilization, Resourcing & More

March 8, 2018
min read
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Don't you hate that feeling of being left in the dark: not knowing who on your team is doing what, or how much they’re contributing to your business's bottom line?

A truly cloud-based Utilization Dashboard can give you all of those answers, and more! Unlike traditional business tools that only provide you with historical reporting, Accelo lets you see both how busy your team are (in real-time) as well as forecast how busy they're about to be. That way, you can continue to drive your business forward without having to sweat the small stuff. Here’s how:

Real-time Scheduling

Any tasks assigned to you will automatically appear on your schedule so that you can easily keep track of upcoming work. Your schedule will even automatically update itself in real-time to reflect any changes - so that you’re never out of the loop or in danger of missing a deadline. For example, you can take immediate action to extend a projects budgets, limit scope, or otherwise intervene before it's too late.

Track and Assign Tasks

Increase productivity on projects with the ability to quickly assess your team's workload from the same dashboard you’re working out of. Easily assign or reassign them tasks you no longer have time for and keep track of it without having to call a status meeting or send an email!

Increase Visibility

Get even more insight into your team's workload, appointments, and commitments with synchronized Google or Exchange/Office 365 Calendars. This allows you to see everything your team has coming up, including on their external calendars, to avoid any double-up that hurts your bottom line.

Understand Value

In Accelo’s Utilization Dashboard, managers are able to get a real-time handle on a team members worth by comparing the amount of work that was logged to the amount of work that was scheduled during a specific week or month. This helps to answer questions like “who in the design team isn’t logging enough billable time?” or “which engineers have some spare time next week?”

Utilization Dashboard

Besides indicating who is over or under-utilized for a given period, the user breakdown area (above) also lets you click-thru to each user’s timesheet for further review of their logged work in that period. No more manual calculations. No more spreadsheets. No more hassles, ever again. Click here to start your free trial of Accelo today.

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