More Scheduling Perks For Accelo Users

May 2, 2018
min read
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Right on the heels of our launch of the�new Booking feature�last week, our team has today rolled out a new way to both book time and see bookings from almost any screen in Accelo with our new Bookings section.�

On many of the view screens in Accelo - Sales, Tickets, Projects, Milestones or Retainers - the left hand side now contains a Booking section. You can see how much time is booked - either committed or scheduled - across your team. In cases where you have a lot of people and work, you can click on "More" to see a detailed breakdown.

This new functionality is especially handy for project managers who often need a quick snapshot of who on their team is doing what, and when. For example, from the left-hand side screen, Project Manager A, can see under the Bookings header, a popup window on hover that shows them a breakdown of all work that's been Committed or Scheduled against individual team members at once.

Scrolling down on a Project to the new "Booking" section, you can now see all the details of each booking

From there, the Project Manager can dive deeper into any specific team members Bookings to further understand the projects they're working on, the status�of that project, and whether�or not they're able to take on more work... It's never been so easy!

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact :)

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