How MSPs Can Go Beyond the Server Closet

April 10, 2019
min read
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Cloud technology has undoubtedly impacted the nature of the managed service provider (MSP) industry. With more of your customers' IT infrastructure moving to the cloud, it may feel like you're competing as it erodes some of the value an MSP provides. However, with every threat there are opportunities - and the cloud is allowing the best MSPs to take work off of their plates and give them the capacity to go beyond the server closet, becoming a trusted expert and partner for their clients on how technology can help transform their businesses.

As the tech world continues to experience confusing and diverse times, clients need your advice now more than ever! It's an opportune time to help your clients navigate these times and seize the opportunities as a business:

1. Take on the role of trusted advisor

Prior to the birth of the cloud 20 years ago, the tech world was much more simplified. An MSP just had to advise which Microsoft product would be best to install. Today, though, there's a wide array of cloud vendors in almost every service category - and the vast amount of choices can easily stir confusion and uncertainty in a diverse market. As someone who intimately understands your clients' business and the scope of technology, you're the perfect source to map a technology strategy comprised of the selection, organization, integration and systemization of the cloud vendors that will best fit your clients' needs.

2. Embrace project management

Instead of focusing on automation tap into your skills as an advisor - strategize a compelling project plan from discovery of needs, overseeing strategy, and implementing technology. This will allow you to position yourself to work with your clients on a recurring basis, helping them move forward into the future of MSP. By doing so, you avoid the 'set it and forget it' model and anchor your business in a position where your clients work with you continuously for consultation and the implementation of projects.

3. Harness powerful tools

As you prioritize project management work again, streamline the process by utilizing tools that champion your expertise and do not hold you back. It's important to implement technology that will help foster a long lasting positive client relationship and has a project management module that will do more than bundle up tickets and deem in a project.

As the MSP industry continues to change, it's a prime time to adapt and take advantage of your years of knowledge and understanding of the field, highlight project management as a key selling point, and use the right tools to work efficiently and cultivate your client relationships. If you're looking for a system with a project management module equipped with the tools to help you scale your business, then check out how Accelo's technology could help!

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